Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day Twenty-Nine

Last Day @ SNEHA!

I can't believe this is my last day at SNEHA! Time goes by so fast. I remember the first day walking into the office with Aparna, like it was only yesterday! I really did have an awesome time here. I made lasting friendship and connections and hope to visit again soon. My only regret is not doing as much as I wanted to do given the amount of time I had to complete the internship. Despite the time limit, I think this was a great first experience working with an NGO.  The atmosphere was great for multiple learning experiences. Between the intellectual conversations with the SNEHA staff and the opportunity to sit in on research and advocacy meetings, I was able to dabble into different areas outside of working on my GGG Report.

The last day is always bitter sweet, which is why I bought a box of my favorite donuts from MAD OVER DONUTS to share with everyone. Fortunate enough for me, there was big meeting going on so I was able to say goodbye to everyone, besides Aparna. which was a little sad since she was my first contact with SNEHA! Today I met with Garima for the last time to go over all my paperwork and have my hours signed off and paperwork for SU completed. I gave a her a CD with all the video and pictures I took throughout my stay to share with everyone else, and in return she gave me a SNEHA T-shirt, which was nice to have as memorabilia of SNEHA.

Later on I had 1000 things to do. First I misunderstood which Guru house to go to first so I wasted one full hour at Guru Keka's house when it was actually Guru Subdha that had spoken with me. After finding that out...I made my to turner road to collect my Sari blouses that Mahnaz was making for me. After trying them all on several times to make final adjustments, only one needed more time than other so she agreed to have it delivered to me later on that night. From there I went straight over to Guru Subdhas house for my last lesson, when surprise surprise! Guru Keka was there as well. Then everything made sense! It was already quite late so I did not have much time to practice as much as I wanted. She invited me to have dinner, which was unexpected but really convenient since I didn't actually have anything to eat the whole day besides pieces of donuts. We all ate together and then I had a quick lesson before I was off to meet Nikki, Laila, and Preethi at Cafe Mocha Jomo. I'm glad I got a chance to meet up with them before leaving! I had so much fun with them, even if it was only for a couple weeks! Like the angels they are...Preethi and Nikki came back to Mrs. Gonsalves house to help me pack up my things. I really don't even know what I would have done had they not helped me. I had sooo much stuff. The thought of paying for it all to get to Mysore was making me sick!

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